Resources & Tools

PTI FSMA 204 Resources

PTI FSMA 204 Implementation Guidance (2024)

This implementation guideline was prepared by the PTI FSMA Working Group to assist with the implementation of the FSMA Final Rule on Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods.

PTI FSMA 204 TLC Source and Reference Guidance (2024)

This guidance was prepared by the PTI FSMA Working Group to assist with the understanding of the Traceability Lot Code (TLC) Source and (TLC) Source Reference.

PTI Best Practices for Formatting Case Labels (2024)

This updated best practice document was prepared and updated by the PTI Technology Working Group to assist with the implementation of PTI case labeling. The only change to the PTI Harmonized case label is the addition of a horizontal line across the middle of the label to visually verify print quality.

PTI Why and How to Use EDI 856 Advance Ship Notice/Manifest Transaction Set (ASN) (2024)

This guidance provides specifications for implementing an EDI 856 Advance Ship Notice (ASN) for produce shipments and addresses its use to meet FSMA 204 Shipping CTE requirements. Additionally, specific existing attributes have been identified to address FSMA 204 required KDEs within the ASN. These are detailed in GS1 US EDI Recommendation for FSMA 2024.

GS1 US Application of GS1 System of Standards to Support FSMA 204 Guideline (2023)

This implementation guideline was prepared by the GS1 US FSMA 204 Workgroup to assist the United States’ food industry with implementing GS1 Standards for traceability and specifically to help meet the requirements outlined in the Final Rule.

GLN Guidance to Support FSMA 204 Implementation

This guideline helps companies in the fruit and vegetable sector and their supply chain partners to understand and share the same information about the unique identification of parties and locations using the GLN (GS1 Global Location Number).

In an effort to implement the Produce Traceability Initiative as outlined in the Action Plan

The following Resources & Tools are available to provide comprehensive background information on each of the steps and best practices to assist the industry in accomplishing the milestones.

Making the Case for PTI

Best Practices

The following Resources & Tools are available to provide comprehensive background information on each of the steps and best practices to assist the industry in accomplishing the milestones.

Updated: PTI Harmonized Traceability Case Label (Mar 2021)

Updated to meet buyer requirements in the U.S. and Canada. Best practices will be updated soon.

Ocean Mist Farms Implements PTI Best Practices

Learn about Ocean Mist Farms' implementation of Produce Traceability Initiative (PTI) best practices and what benefits the business realized from this work.


Traceability Guidance Document for Industry Compliance with the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations

This document provides an overview of the regulatory requirements on traceability, as found in Part 5 of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR). In addition to traceability requirements, industry must also ensure that mandatory labelling requirements found in the SFCR, Safe Food for Canadians Act (SFCA), Food and Drug Regulations (FDR), and Food and Drugs Act (FDA) are also satisfied.

GS1 Fruit & Vegetable Master Data Attribute Implementation Guide

GS1 Fruit & Vegetable Master Data Attribute Implementation Guide Provides support to companies seeking to electronically exchange fruit & vegetable product information in accordance with GS1 standards.

GS1 Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Labelling Consumer Units Guideline

GS1 Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Labelling Consumer Units Guideline provides support to companies seeking to label fruit & vegetable product information at the consumer unit (each) level using GS1 standards.

Fruit and Vegetable GTIN Assignment Implementation Guideline (January 2014)

This guide issued by GS1 provides guidance on how to assign a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) and when to assign a new GTIN.

GS1 Global Fruit & Vegetable Traceability Implementation Guide (Sept 2015)

This guide documents best practices for implementing traceability in the fresh produce industry and is intended for those responsible for implementing traceability in their company’s operations across the entire produce supply chain. It updates and replaces the CPMA/PMA Fresh Produce Traceability Guide to Implementation v2 (October 2006).

Data Synchronization

Calculators, Checklists & Scorecards

Voice Pick Code Calculator (Source: HarvestMark)

This tool will calculate four-digit voice pick codes for PTI-compliant case labels.

GTIN Check Digit Calculator (Source: GS1 US)

Note this link will redirect you to the GS1 US website; use the check digit calculator for the PTI-compliant 14-digit GTIN.

E-Learning Module

E-learning modules: Product Identification and Traceability in the Fresh Produce Industry.


