About Us
The Produce Traceability Initiative, sponsored by Canadian Produce Marketing Association, GS1 Canada, GS1 US, and International Fresh Produce Association
Is designed to help the industry maximize the effectiveness of current traceback procedures, while developing a standardized industry approach to enhance the speed and efficiency of traceability systems for the future.
The PTI has a bold vision which outlines a course of action to achieve supply chain-wide adoption of electronic traceability of every case of produce.

PTI Administrations & Operations
PTI Organizational Chart (August 2010)
The PTI organization began transitioning in August 2010 to allow for more industry involvement. The new structure includes a supply chain-wide Leadership Council, several industry-led working groups to manage key PTI activities, and more.
PTI Working Group Charters (August 2010)
The new PTI organization includes industry-led working groups to manage key PTI activities. This document describes each working group's charter.