Produce Traceability Receivers and Buyers

Resources & Best Practices

Information and tools to assist supply chain partners in accomplishing the 7 milestones for traceability implementation.

Resources & Best Practices
Why Do We Need the PTI

Why Do We Need
the PTI?

The produce industry handles an estimated 6 billion cases of produce in the United States each year. However, industry leaders have recognized that a more systematic, industry-wide approach would enhance overall supply chain traceability in speed and efficiency.

PTI Participating Companies

Dozens of visionary North American food companies, ranging from small farms and global fruit growers to international retailers and restaurant chains, are taking leadership roles by participating in working groups in the PTI.

PTI Participating Companies

VoicePick Code Generator

Voice Pick Calculator

The role of the Voice Pick Code is to provide a quick and simple way to identify a case with a given GTIN/Lot/Date.

Charters of PTI Working Groups

This working subgroup will monitor, guide, and promote voluntary
adoption of GS1 standards in alignment with the milestones
of the Produce Traceability Initiative.

Master Data Working Group

This working subgroup will address industry issues that focus on the identification of product attributes and communication of that data between trading partners as they are identified.

Communication Working Group

Work with end users to generate business case studies and best practices to support voluntary adoption and implementation by individual trading partners.

Technology Working Group

This working subgroup will provide an open forum for technology providers within the produce industry to come together on a regular basis to discuss strategies and collaborative processes.


Your PTI Contacts

Contact Information for CPMA, GS1 Canada, GS1 US, and United Fresh PTI core team.

Start Here for PTI Success

Join the PTI Buyer Working Group!